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Calling on Kingsborough Community College to defend faculty free speech rights and academic freedom

Letter to the president of Kingsborough Community College and the interim chancellor of the City University of New York calling on them to defend faculty members subjected to baseless accusations of anti-Semitism and harassment, and to uphold the right to free speech and the principles of academic freedom.

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ATCA’s Effect on the Right to Education for Palestinian Students  

Letter to President Trump, Secretary Pompeo, and Members of the Senate and House of Representatives expressing opposition to the passage of the Anti-Terrorism Clarification Act (ATCA) of 2018, as it results in the denial of the right to education to Palestinian students from the West Bank and Gaza Strip in a MEPI program. CAF calls on Congress and the President to cancel ATCA.

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Concerns regarding the “Anti-Semitism Awareness Act of 2018”

Letter to the chairs and ranking members of the House and Senate Judiciary Committees expressing serious concerns about the "Anti-Semitism Awareness Act of 2018" recently introduced as H.R.5924 and S.2940 because the definition of anti-Semitism that it would require the Department of Education to adopt conflates criticism of Israeli policies and of Zionism with anti-Semitism, thereby endangering free speech rights and academic freedom at U.S. institutions of higher education.

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Acquisition and Unethical Use of Documents Removed from Iraq by New York Times Journalist Rukmini Callimachi

Letter to the New York Times concerning Rukmini Callimachi’s series “The ISIS Files” that employs nearly 16,000 documents removed from Iraq by her and her team without permission of the relevant Iraqi authorities. In addition to the complete disregard for the myriad legal, professional, ethical, and moral issues involved, including endangering individuals by the reckless publication of unredacted documents, their removal from Iraq is a violation of a number of international customary laws.

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Exposing Canary Mission

MESA’s Committee on Academic Freedom has issued a resource guide for college and university leaders on actions they can take to counteract a secretive, political organization called Canary Mission that uses its website to engage in defamatory attacks against college students and faculty who engage in advocacy for Palestinian rights and academic inquiry about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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