The Middle Studies Association annually recognizes outstanding contributions in scholarly achievement, mentoring of students and faculty, service to the profession, innovations in undergraduate education and teaching, and academic freedom.
MESA has three book awards: The Albert Hourani Book Award recognizes the very best scholarship in Middle East studies; The Nikki Keddie Book Award focuses on exceptional scholarship in religion, revolution, and/or society. The Fatema Mernissi Book Award is given to the best work in studies of gender, sexuality, and women’s lived experience.
MESA also administers the Roger Owen Book Award in the area of economics/economic history/political economy, offered in odd-numbered years.
In addition to its book awards, MESA awards two doctoral dissertations each year in honor of Malcolm H. Kerr nominated in two separate categories: one in humanities, and one in social sciences.
Through its Mentoring Award, MESA recognizes exceptional contributions retired faculty have made to the education and training of others. The Jere L. Bacharach Service Award recognizes the contributions of individuals through their outstanding service to MESA or the profession. As part of its commitment to nurturing young scholars, MESA established the Graduate Student Paper Prize to recognize outstanding graduate student research. The Undergraduate Education Award recognizes outstanding scholarship on teaching or other material contributions to undergraduate education in Middle East Studies.
MESA’s awards programs encourage the very best work in the field of Middle East studies.