Become a Member

Why become a member?

  • Be a part of a community of scholars who are passionate about the pursuit of academic knowledge on the MENA region.
  • Join others in helping MESA defend academic freedom and civil and human rights.
  • Share your research at the annual meeting and submit articles for MESA's journals.
  • Participate on a MESA committee to help recognize outstanding scholarship or work to advance the field.

An association of committed members can achieve truly great things. Be part of MESA and its inspired work on behalf of the field.

Benefits of Membership

Individual members receive the following benefits:

  • Voting privileges (for full members, which includes both fellows and students)
  • International Journal of Middle East Studies (IJMES): Published quarterly. The major scholarly journal in the field, IJMES includes articles by Middle East studies specialists and an extensive section of book reviews. Includes access to the digital version.
  • MESA Review of Middle East Studies (RoMES): This digital publication features articles on the state of the art, MESA presidents’ addresses, book reviews and reviews of audio-visual materials, information about online resources in Middle East studies and other information about MESA and its members.
  • Issues in Middle East Studies (IMES): Published twice annually, the association's newsletter is available only through membership. It includes annual meeting highlights, reports from committees, articles on trends, pedagogical issues, graduate student activities, etc. The publication is available digitally (by email and through members' myMESA accounts). A print version is available upon request; a $10 international postage fee applies for those resident abroad.
  • Discounted meeting registration fees: Members are entitled to reduced rates for annual meeting registration, providing a savings of as much as $125
  • Access to membership directory (find a member)
  • Access to searchable program and program archives

How do I join MESA, renew my membership, or update my information?

Through myMESA, the system for MESA members to manage their membership, annual meeting participation, etc.

What do I have to do?

  1. Log in to myMESA. If you do not already have an active account, you will need to establish one. Please read the instructions and watch for system prompts as you make your way through the system.
  2. Complete or review your member profile. Please make sure the personal information page is up-to-date. We encourage you to complete all sections of your profile. The more data MESA has, the better it can accurately reflect the field.
  3. Go to the payments section of myMESA and make your payment if you plan to use a credit card or a PayPal account. Credit card payments are processed through BluePay, a secure payment provider. MESA does not see your credit card information.
  4. A complete profile and paid dues means that you are a MESA member. Please remember that MESA membership is on a calendar year basis, January 1 through December 31, and is non-refundable.

Can I pay for membership with a printed form?

If you'd prefer to do things the old fashion way, we fully understand! Complete your myMESA profile and then submit the payment form along with your check or credit card details to:

Middle East Studies Association
3700 O St. NW, ICC STE 241
Washington DC 20057

Questions about membership may be directed to the MESA Secretariat at

Documents & Links

Stay Connected

MESA offers several ways to stay connected: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, as well as listservs and trusty email notifications. To find out more, please follow the link below.

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