
For all advertising inquiries, please contact All display advertising requests require an Advertising Insertion Order Form.

Issues in Middle East Studies (IMES)

MESA’s mostly e-delivered newsletter appears biannually (spring and fall), with a circulation of approximately 2,500.

Upcoming Issues: after these dates, contact to see if space is still available
  • Spring 2025: Insertion order by April 10, 2025; copy due April 20, 2025.
  • Fall 2025: Insertion order by November 1, 2025; copy due November 15, 2025 (tentative dates).
Display Advertising Rates
Quarter page3.625" wide x 5" high$275
Half page-Vertical3.625" wide x 10" high$375
Half page-Horizontal7.5" wide x 5" high$375
Full page7.5" wide x 10" high$625


Review of Middle East Studies (RoMES)

RoMES is an biannual electronic publication (Summer and Winter) available through Cambridge Journals Online. RoMES is a benefit of membership for MESA’s 2,500 members and is available to the 900 plus libraries who have subscriptions. CUP welcomes web banner advertising on RoMES. For advertising information, contact

Annual Meeting Printed Program Advertising

Advertisements are solicited for the association’s 59th annual meeting program, which will be distributed to registered attendees in print at the annual meeting,  November 22-25, 2025. Attendance is predicted to be around 2,000 people. For the 2025 meeting, the deadline for the Advertising Insertion Order Form is September 1 with camera-ready copy due September 15.

Display Advertising Rates

Half page-Vertical 3.5" wide x 9.5" high$660
Half page-Horizontal 7.5" wide x 4.5" high$660
Full Page7.5" wide x 9.5" high$1,100
Inside Back Cover (reserved)8.5" wide by 11.5" high$2,420
 Can bleed on four sides 
Back Cover (reserved)    8.5" wide by 11.5" high$3,300
 Can bleed on four sides 




Sponsorship Opportunities

MESA’s annual meeting is the single largest gathering of experts on the Middle East. These are scholars who have been in the field, studied the people, and know the ins and outs and all the complexities of the region. They assemble each year to share their research and plan future collaborations, and you could have their undivided attention! If your target audience is Middle East studies academics, you do not want to miss the opportunity at MESA.Take advantage of these new opportunities.

Gold Level (more than a $5,400 value) = $3,300

  • Priority booth selection at book exhibit—before the booth lottery held May 25 ($300 value)
  • Full-page ad in printed program ($1,100 value)
  • Logo on conference canvas tote bag ($1,200 value)
  • Banner ad on MESA annual meeting mobile app ($1,000 value)
  • Individualized push notification from MESA annual meeting mobile app ($150 value)
  • One paragraph promotional blurb to be included in email reminder sent to registered participants one week prior to conference ($300 value)
  • Listing on annual meeting sponsorship page with link to webpage of your choosing ($300 value)
  • Individualized social media post on Twitter and Instagram prior to conference ($300 value)
  • Special sponsorship recognition on conference signage ($750 value)
  • Add-on: Coffee Break discount

Silver Level (more than a $2,900 value) = $1,750

  • Full-page ad in printed conference program ($1,100 value)
  • Banner ad on MESA annual meeting mobile app ($1,000 value)
  • Individualized push notification from MESA meeting conference mobile app ($150 value)
  • Listing on annual meeting sponsorship page with link to webpage of your choosing ($200 value)
  • Group social media post on Twitter and Instagram prior to conference ($150 value)
  • Special sponsorship recognition on conference signage ($300 value)
  • Add-on: Coffee Break discount

Bronze Level (more than a $1,500 value) = $900

  • Half-page ad in program book ($660 value)
  • Listing on annual meeting sponsorship page with link to webpage of your choosing ($100 value)
  • Group social media post on Twitter prior to conference ($150 value)
  • Individualized push notification from MESA meeting conference mobile app ($150 value)
  • Special sponsorship recognition on conference signage ($150 value)

Coffee Break = TBD

For Gold and Silver Sponsors we offer a discounted Coffee Break.
Sponsor a 30-minute coffee break, to be held in the book exhibit, during one of the session breaks

Dates and times TBD


  • Welcome sign at entrance during coffee break
  • Five minute promotional pitch during coffee break
  • Logo on conference tote bag or full-page ad in printed conference program ($1,100 value)
  • Group social media post on Twitter and Instagram prior to conference ($150 value)
  • Special sponsorship recognition on conference signage

We welcome co-sponsors of a coffee break as well. To arrange for this, contact the MESA secretariat at 

Logo on Conference Tote Bag = $1,200
Conference attendees will be given a high-quality cotton tote bag with the MESA 2025 Annual Meeting logo and the logos of sponsors.

Sponsorship form here

Online Professional Opportunities Listings

Anyone wishing to post an opportunity (categories listed below) should complete this form. MESA charges $95 for postings on the employment and summer language programs pages - we will invoice you and provide payment options once we receive your order.  All other postings are free of charge. Postings may not exceed 500 words and will be posted for a maximum of 90 days (repostings will incur an additional $95 charge). Questions may be directed to

  • Announcements
  • Calls for Submissions
  • Conferences
  • Employment
  • Grants & Competitions
  • Summer Language Programs 

Renting a Mailing List

MESA “rents” its member mailing list for a one-time use. The list is provided as a Microsoft Excel file. MESA can isolate the membership database to target members in a particular discipline and/or area of focus and/or geographical area. For further information and pricing, please download the mailing list request form. Questions may be directed to Sara Palmer at

Policy on Advertising

Appropriate advertisements are accepted for MESA publications on a space available basis. MESA reserves the right to refuse ads it deems inappropriate or in conflict with MESA’s objectives, at the sole discretion of the Executive Director. MESA publications will not accept advertising from defense and intelligence related agencies from any government. The appearance of an ad in a MESA publication does not imply endorsement by MESA.

Documents & Links

Stay Connected

MESA offers several ways to stay connected: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, as well as listservs and trusty email notifications. To find out more, please follow the link below.

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