Roommate Locator
If you would like to share a hotel room while attending the meeting, please follow these instructions:
- Complete the roommate locator form below so that we can post your information on the website.
- Look at the “Roommates Wanted” listings below and get in touch with one another.
- Inform MESA Secretariat at when you have a roommate so that your contact info can be removed from the “Roommates Wanted” list.
Please note: MESA is not responsible for screening roommates, does not get involved in financial arrangements between roommates or between roommates and the hotel, and makes no guarantees of any kind about compatibility, trustworthiness, etc. Persons who reserve rooms and occupy rooms at the hotel are financially obligated to pay for those rooms regardless of whether or not a roommate comes through. Please remember that if you sign up as a roommate, you create an obligation to the person with whom you share a room. If you bail out at the last minute, you will leave your roommate in a financial quandary.
If you have questions, please contact
Roommates Wanted
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Name: # of Roommates Wanted: Date of Arrival: Date of Departure: Email: |
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