Wadad Kadi Travel Fellowships for Doctoral Students

The Wadad Kadi Travel Fellowships for Doctoral Students were established in 2014 and are designed to encourage graduate student participation in the MESA annual meeting.

Fellowships will be awarded in two categories:

  1. Islamic Studies/History before 950 CE. Students enrolled in graduate programs who are presenting papers at MESA’s 2025 annual meeting in the fields of Islamic studies/history before 950 CE are eligible for these fellowships. Within this time frame the range of possible topics, source languages and methodologies is quite broad (e.g. archaeology, papyri, Late Antiquity, Christian sources, etc.; Arabic, Syriac, Greek, Coptic, Persian, etc.; and comparative work). Up to 7 fellowships will be awarded.

  2. All other fields. Students enrolled in graduate programs who are presenting papers at MESA’s 2025 annual meeting in any field other than the above are eligible for these fellowships. The number of awards available will depend on how many awards are granted in category 1.

The total number of awards in both categories will not exceed ten.

Eligibility and Application Requirements:

1) Doctoral students who are MESA members at the time of the submission of their papers to MESA’s 2025 annual meeting are eligible.

2) They must submit a paper through MESA’s annual meeting electronic submission system by the submission deadline (February 13, 2025, at 11:59 a.m. Eastern Standard Time) and that paper must be accepted by MESA’s Program Committee.

3) They must apply for the fellowship by completing the form below by no later than Thursday, February 13, 2025, by 11:59 a.m. Eastern Standard Time.

Students whose papers are accepted to the program and who have applied for the fellowships will be considered for a $500 travel award.

Selection Process: 

A sub-committee of MESA’s Board of Directors will review the abstracts (blinded) of the eligible candidates. The committee will put them in ranked order. Up to ten will be funded. (The committee may decide to designate fewer than ten awardees.) In order to receive the fellowship, awardees must register for the meeting and present their paper as scheduled. A check for $500 will be presented on site at the meeting.

Award Criteria:

Excellence of the abstract; quality and originality of the research; potential for subsequent research.


To apply, follow the link on the right under “Related”

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