Issues in Middle East Studies


Issues in Middle East Studies (IMES) appears biannually in the Spring and Fall. IMES is emailed to MESA members and placed in the myMESA system for member access.

To access current and back issues of IMES, log into myMESA and then view Publications at the link found here.

Issues of IMES include annual meeting highlights, reports from committees on interesting matters, graduate student activities, updates from sister organizations, trends in the field, pedagogical issues, etc. IMES is available only through membership in the Association. Members can opt to receive IMES by mail if they prefer (for foreign addresses, there is postage fee of $10). Questions about IMES should be directed to Sara Palmer at


Sara L. Palmer

Middle East Studies Association
3542 N. Geronimo Avenue
Tucson, AZ 85705
520 333-2577 ext. 103 phone
520 207-3166 fax

Documents & Links

Presidents’ Letters

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