

MESA 2025

November 22-25, 2025
Washington, DC

All attendees will need to be registered. Registration is open to anyone interested in Middle East studies. MESA offers pre-registration at discounted prices. Those not on the program may register on-site.


Pre-registration deadlines

  • For participants who are on a session, the deadline to register is May 15, 2025.  
  • For all others, the deadline to pre-register is October 24, 2025

Membership is required to submit a proposal for the MESA 2025 Call for Papers (deadline February 13), but registration is not required until May 15 (after decisions are made) in order to be placed on the program.

Pre-registration rates

$185    MESA Fellow or Associate (see note below regarding alternative rates)
$85     MESA Student Member
$150   Student, not a MESA member
$310   General (all others)

Beginning in 2025, MESA is offering an optional discounted pre-registration rate of $135 for our members in lower-income membership tiers. For our members in the higher-income tiers, MESA is asking if they can pay a higher rate of $235 to help offset this new discounted option. All fellows and associate members are offered the general rate of $185, and those qualifying via income brackets will be offered the choice of the alternative rate. 

Please note:  Before you pre-register for the meeting, please be sure to read MESA’s policy about registration fee refunds below.

Refund Policy

  • For participants on the program, the request must be submitted by August 1, 2025.
  • For all others, the request must be submitted using the form below by October 24, 2025.
  • MESA does not issue refunds for requests received after these deadlines. This policy includes cancelations due to health, travel, and other emergencies. 

 Frequently asked questions about registration

  1. Does MESA offer one day passes? No, this is a meeting of, for, and most importantly, paid for by MESA members. 
  2. How do I get a receipt for my registration payment? A list of payments is posted in your myMESA account under Payments. 
  3. How can I obtain a Certificates of Attendance?  Please email requesting a certificate.


MESA offers complimentary press passes to legitimate members of the press. Requests should be sent to

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