Press Policy

To request a complimentary press pass or more information about the annual meeting, please contact MESA at

Following are guidelines for reporters covering the annual meeting:

1. All media representatives must submit requests for credentials prior to the start of the Annual Meeting, to ensure they can be registered in a timely fashion.

2. MESA provides media credentials only to qualified reporters who are employees of or freelancers on assignment to locally or nationally recognized print or broadcast media outlets with a demonstrated history of reporting on academic issues. MESA will request credentials before issuing convention media credentials.

3. Audiotaping, videotaping, and still photography of MESA annual meeting sessions or programs are not permitted. Occasional exceptions may be made for audiotaping or videotaping short segments and for still photography designed to convey the convention atmosphere. Requests to audiotape, videotape, or photograph any session must be submitted in writing in advance to the media liaison and require the written consent of all speakers at a session. If taping or photography is approved, the media liaison must accompany the reporter and crew.

4. Audiotaping, videotaping, and still photography are not permitted in the public areas of the meeting (e.g., hotel lobbies), unless the crew is expressly authorized and accompanied by a media office staff person.

Registered media requesting program information or in need of interview assistance may contact MESA at



The Middle East Studies Association (MESA) is a non-profit learned society that brings together scholars, educators and those interested in the study of the region from all over the world. From its inception in 1966 with 51 founding members, MESA has increased its membership to over 2,700 individuals and serves as an umbrella organization for more than fifty institutional members and about forty affiliated organizations.

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