External Links
The external links on this web site are provided for the convenience of MESA web site visitors. MESA has no interest in, responsibility for, or control over linked sites. MESA makes no promises or warranties of any kind, express or implied, including those of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, as to the content of the linked site. In no event shall the Middle East Studies Association be liable for any damages resulting from use of these links even if MESA has been informed of the possibility thereof. Organizations wishing to be linked to MESA’s web site should provide their URL in an e-mail message to secretariat@mesana.org.
- American Legation Museum in Tangier-Morocco
- Arab Artists Resources & Training
- Davids Samling (The David Collection) in Copenhagen, Denmark
- Palestinian Heritage Foundation
- The Textile Museum
Films and Video
- After 911 Videos Project
- Arab Film Distribution
- ArtMattan Productions
- Arte East
- Bullfrog Films
- Cinema Guild
- Documentary Educational Resources
- Docuseek
- Filmakers Library
- Film Movement
- Films for the Humanities & Sciences
- First Run/Icarus Films
- Global Film Initiative
- Landmark Media
- Media Education Foundation
- New Day Films
- Octane Seating - Resources for student filmmakers
- Ruth Diskin Films
- Tamouz Media
- Third World Newsreel
- Women Make Movies
Funding Agencies
- Council for International Exchange of Scholars (Fulbright)
- Moroccan-American Commission for Educational and Cultural Exchange (Fulbright)
- School of Historical Studies
- Social Science Research Council
- United States Institute of Peace, Jennings Randolph Program for Int’l Peace
Job Search Engines
- ESLworldwide.com (for language instructors)
- ESL employment.com
- teachingenglish.ca
Language Study Online
- ArabAcademy.com
- Arabiccomplete.com
- eslpartyland
- Foreigncy.org
- Native Monks (language tutors marketplace)
- Online Colleges in Ohio
- On-Line Turkish
- Qasid Online
- Al-`Arabiyya (the Journal of the American Association of Teachers of Arabic)
- Arabies Trends, International Magazine on Arab Affairs
- Arab Studies Journal
- Bulletin of Regional Cooperation in the Middle East
- Cyberorient (peer-reviewed online journal of the virtual Middle East)
- Electronic Journal of Oriental Studies
- Gulf States Newsletter
- International Journal of Middle East Studies (IJMES)
- Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies
- Journal of Arabic Linguistics Tradition
- Maghreb Review
- MESA Review of Middle East Studies
- Meridians
- Middle East Economic Survey (MEES)
- Middle East Institute/Journal
- Middle East Report
- Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA)
- Middle East and South Asia Folklore Bulletin
- Middle East Policy
- The MIT Electronic Journal of Middle East Studies
- Oman Arabic Daily (in Arabic)
- Popular Communications
- Syria Net
- Tingis a magazine on and about Morocco
- Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
- Working Papers on New Media & Information Technology in the Middle East
- American Educational Trust
- Arabic Music Internet Reference
- Arabic Music Source
- Aramedia, Arabic Software Localization Translation
- Archaeology & Art Publications of Istanbul
- Birsen Architectural Publications (on Turkish architecture)
- Norman Ross Publishing, Inc.
- Oh My Gosh Publishing
- Palgrave Macmillan
- Sakhr Software
- Syracuse University Press
- Turath.org (promotes Arab and multicultural arts)
- Turath (Arabic and Islamic books on CD rom)
Research Institutes/Organizations/Portals
- American Institute for Maghreb Studies
- American Institute for Yemeni Studies
- American Research Center in Egypt
- Arab Social Science Research
- bab.la (online dictionary for 28 languages)
- Cahiers d’études sur la Méditerranée orientale et le monde turco-iranien
- Center for Islamic Studies (ISAM)
- The Gulf/2000 Project at Columbia University
- Gulf Studies Center, Qatar University
- Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information
- Institute for Advanced Study, School of Historical Studies
- Institute for Palestine Studies
- Mada al-Carmel: The Arab Center of Applied Social Research
- Middle East Institute/Journal
- MyNetResearch.com
- Online Colleges in Ohio
- ResearchGATE
- Social Science Research Council
- University of Tokyo, Islamic Area Studies Project
- Adalah: The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel
- American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
- American Association of Teachers of Arabic
- American Institute for Yemeni Studies
- Americans for Middle East Understanding
- Amnesty International
- Association for Environmental and Developmental Studies in the Arab World
- Association for Israel Studies
- Assyrian Academic Society
- British Society for Middle Eastern Studies (BRISMES)
- Canadian Committee of the Middle East Studies Association
- Center for Arabic Study Abroad (CASA)
- Center for Policy Analysis on Palestine
- Central Eurasian Studies Society
- Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC)
- European Association for Middle Eastern Studies (EURAMES)
- Institute of Turkish Studies
- International Institute of Islamic Thought
- The International Qajar Studies Association
- Ivri-NASAWI (New Association of Sephardi/Mizrahi Artists and Writers International)
- Lebanese Studies Association
- Middle East Institute/Journal
- Middle East Librarians Association (MELA)
- Middle East Medievalists
- Middle East Research Associates
- Moroccan-American Commission for Educational and Cultural Exchange (Fulbright)
- Nordic Society for Middle Eastern Studies
- Palestinian American Research Center (PARC)
- Search for Common Ground
- Shahnameh
- Society for Armenian Studies
- Society for Iranian Studies
- Syrian Studies Association
- Tetouan Asmir Association (Morocco)
- Turkish Studies Association
Special Projects
- Arab-American Educators Network
- Arab Culture and Civilization (website by National Institute for Technology and Liberal Education-NITLE)
- Arabic Music Info. Source
- A Bridge To Egypt
- Carrie, Full-Text Library (documents on Central Asia)
- Critical Media Literacy in Times of War
- The Gulf/2000 Project at Columbia University
- Humanities Indicators, a project of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- Islam and Human Rights Project of Emory University
- Islamic Networks in National and Transnational Contexts (18th-20th Centuries), Junior Research Group at the Oriental Department, Bochum University, Germany
- Islamic Studies, Islam, Arabic, and Religion
- Kan Zaman, Community Ensemble (Classical and Folk Music of the Arab World)
- The Maghrebi Studies Group of Binghampton University: Maghrebi Literature Web
- The Maghrebi Studies Group of Binghampton University: Music from the Maghreb
- Marhaba: Welcome to the World of Arabic (Special project of the Middle East Center at UPenn and the School District of Philadelphia)
- Middle East/North Africa Financial Network (MENAFN)
- Network for Education and Academic Rights (NEAR)
- Pars Times (information gateway Iran and the Middle East)
- Records on Islam
- Transregional and Emerging Areas Studies (TEAS), Japan
- Truth in the Middle East
- Turkish Archives Site
- U.S. Energy Information Administration (Middle East region)
- Women’s Learning Partnership (WLP)
Study Abroad Programs
- Abroad101: student reviews of study abroad programs.
- American University of Beirut-Summer Arabic Program
- Arab American Language Institute in Morocco (AALIM)
- Arabesk Studies in Damascus
- Center for Arabic Study Abroad (CASA)
- Center Sidi Bou Said for Languages - Intensive Arabic Language Program
- Cairo Housing Revolution (help with rentals in Cairo)
- Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) German Academic Exchange Service
- GoAbroad.com
- GoGrad - Expert Guide to Graduate School Abroad
- Guide to Internships Abroad
- Lebanese American University–Summer Institute for Intensive Arabic Language and Culture
- Maher Language Institute
- Maryville University Online: ESL Resources for Teachers Guide
- Noor Majan Training Institute in Ibri, Oman
- Passage to Morocco: cultural and linguistic immersion program in North Africa sponsored by the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations and the Virginia Military Institute
- University of Florida-Arabic Language Institute, Summer Arabic Program in Fez
- SIT Study Abroad-Middle Eastern Studies Programs
- StudyAbroad.com
- StudyLink.com
- Al Bawaba - The Middle East Gateway
- Arab Information Technology Project, Georgetown University
- Arabist (comprehensive Middle East search engine)
- ArabO Arab Sites Directory
- Azerbaijan Internet Links
- Grammica - Grammar Check
- Islamic Studies Pathways
- Lebanon Links
- Middle East Network Information Center at Univ. of Texas at Austin
- Muslim Students’ Association News Scholarbase (MESANEWS)
- Musalman
- Native Monks (language tutors marketplace)
- The WWW Virtual Library: International Affairs Resources
- www.AccessGCC.com (informational portal serving Bahrain and the GCC states)
University Programs
- The American University in Cairo
- American University of Beirut, Center for Arab and Middle Eastern Studies
- University of Arizona, Center for Middle Eastern Studies
- University of Arizona, School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies
- Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, Bar Ilan University
- Ben-Gurion University, Department of Middle East Studies
- University of Bergen, Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures
- Binghamton University, Institute of Global Cultural Studies
- Binghamton University, Middle East and North Africa Program
- Birzeit University
- University of California, Berkeley, Center for Middle Eastern Studies
- University of California, Los Angeles, Grunebaum Center for Near Eastern Studies
- University of California, Santa Barbara, Center for Middle East Studies
- California State University, San Bernardino, Center for Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies (CIMES)
- The Center for Arabic Language & Eastern Studies
- University of Chicago, Center for Middle Eastern Studies
- Galillee College
- Georgetown University, Center for Contemporary Arab Studies
- Harvard Law School, Islamic Legal Studies Program
- Harvard University, Center of Middle Eastern Studies
- Indiana University, Dept. of Near Eastern Languages & Cultures/Middle East Studies Program
- Institute for Advanced Study, Berlin—Working Group on Modernity and Islam
- International Institute of Islamic Thought & Civilization (ISTAC)
- University of Maryland, College Park Middle East Studies
- University of Michigan, Center for Middle Eastern & North African Studies
- Moroccan Arabic Language Center
- Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, Tel Aviv University
- New York University, Kevorkian Center for Near Eastern Studies
- University of Oxford (U.K.), Near Eastern Studies Programme
- University of Pennsylvania, Middle East Center
- Portland State University, Middle East Studies Center
- Qatar University, Gulf Studies Program
- School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
- University of St. Andrews, Scotland, Institute for Middle East, Central Asian and Caucasus Studies
- University of Texas at Austin, Center for Middle Eastern Studies
- Tyler Junior College
- University of Utah, Middle East Center
- University of Virginia, Middle East Studies Program
- University of Washington, Middle East Center
- Virginia Military Institute
- Yale University, Council on Middle East Studies
- Yale University, Program in Islamic Studies
- Yemen College of Middle Eastern Studies