Center for Arabic Study Abroad (CASA)

The Center for Arabic Study Abroad was established in 1967 to offer advanced Arabic language and culture training to members of the academic community-at-large who represent various disciplines in the area of Middle Eastern studies. CASA represents a consortium of thirty-four universities in the US in addition to the American University in Cairo (AUC) and Qasid Arabic Institute in Amman, Jordan where CASA’s training sites are located.

CASA is represented by a Consortium of American universities and colleges who serve a vital role in directing various academic, financial and administrative aspects of the CASA programs. CASA receives its primary funding from the United States Department of Education, under the Fulbright-Hays--Group Projects Abroad Program. In addition, CASA is supported by two endowments from the Ford and Mellon foundations when the program is able to send students to Cairo.

Director (U.S.): Sonia Shiri
Program Coordinator (U.S.): Sarah Stoll 

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