Marianna Shreve Simpson
Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore, MD
Sultan Ibrahim Mirza’s Haft Awrang: A Princely Manuscript from Sixteenth Century Iran
Yale University Press
Marsha Pripstein Posusney
Bryant College
Labor and the State in Egypt: Workers, Unions, and Economic Restructuring
Columbia University Press
Kiren Aziz Chaudhry
University of California, Berkeley
The Price of Wealth: Economies and Institutions in the Middle East
Cornell University Press
Andrew Shryock
State University of New York, Buffalo
Nationalism and Genealogical Imagination: Oral History and Textual Authority in Tribal Jordan
University of California Press
Michael Gilsenan
New York University
Lords of the Lebanese Marches: Violence and Narrative in Arab Society
I.B. Tauris & Co. Ltd. and University of California Press
Gülrü Neçipoglü
Harvard University
The Topkapi Scroll—Geometry and Ornament in Islamic Architecture
The Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities