Emek Ergun
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Virgin Crossing Borders: Feminist Resistance and Solidarity in Translation
University of Illinois Press
MESA has three annual book awards:
The Albert Hourani Book Award recognizes a work that exemplifies scholarly excellence and clarity of presentation in the tradition of Albert Hourani.
The Nikki Keddie Book Award focuses on exceptional scholarship in religion, revolution, and/or society.
The Fatima Mernissi Book Award is given to the best work in studies of gender, sexuality, and women’s lived experience.
In addition to its three book awards, MESA also administers the Roger Owen Book Award which is given to the best work in the area of economics/economic history/political economy.
The award winners appear below. The nomination guidelines are available under “Related” below right.
Virgin Crossing Borders: Feminist Resistance and Solidarity in Translation
University of Illinois Press
Elastic Empire: Refashioning War through Aid in Palestine
Stanford University Press
The Future is Feminist: Women and Social Change in Interwar Algeria
Cornell University Press
Sufi Civilities: Religious Authority and Political Change in Afghanistan
Stanford University Press
Sextarianism: Sovereignty, Secularism, and the State in Lebanon
Stanford University Press
Transnational Palestine: Migration and the Right of Return Before 1948
Stanford University Press
The Shamama Case: Contesting Citizenship Across the Modern Mediterranean
Princeton University Press
Losing Istanbul: Arab-Ottoman Imperialists and the End of Empire
Stanford University Press
Fantasmic Objects: Art and Sociality from Lebanon, 1920-1950
Indiana University Press
A House in the Homeland: Armenian Pilgrimages to Places of Ancestral Memory
Stanford University Press
This Flame Within: Iranian Revolutionaries in the United States
Duke University Press
Pinelandia: An Anthropology and Field Poetics of War and Empire
University of California Press
The Unsettled Plain: An Environmental History of the Late Ottoman Frontier
Stanford University Press
Pious Peripheries: Runaway Women in Post-Taliban Afghanistan
Stanford University Press
Hidden Caliphate: Sufi Saints beyond the Oxus and Indus
Harvard University Press
The City as Anthology: Eroticism and Urbanity in Early Modern Isfahan
Stanford University Press
Empire of Salons: Conquest and Community in Early Modern Ottoman Lands
Princeton University Press
An Elusive Common: Land, Politics, and Agrarian Rurality in a Moroccan Oasis
Cornell University Press
Bread and Freedom: Egypt's Revolutionary Situation
Stanford University Press
Say What Your Longing Heart Desires: Women, Prayer, and Poetry in Iran
Stanford University Press
Genetic Crossroads: The Middle East and the Science of Human Heredity
Stanford University Press
Imperial Mecca: Ottoman Arabia and the Indian Ocean Hajj
Columbia University Press
The Colonizing Self: Or, Home and Homelessness in Israel/Palestine
Duke University Press
Revolution and Disenchantment: Arab Marxism and the Binds of Emancipation
Duke University Press
Polymaths of Islam: Power and Networks of Knowledge in Central Asia
Cornell University Press