ACLS Humanities E-Book
Middle East Studies Association is a member of the American Council of Learned Societies. The ACLS offers individual annual subscriptions to ACLS Humanities E-Book to current Middle East Studies Association members. ACLS Humanities E-Book (HEB) is an online collection of around 5,000 books of high quality in the humanities, accessible through institutional or individual subscription. HEB is available to entire campus communities. Using any web browser, faculty, students, staff and library patrons of subscribing institutions can view and search the HEB collection from campus offices, libraries, dorms and remotely when off-campus. An institutional subscription to HEB includes unlimited, simultaneous multi-user access from any Internet-connected location. In addition to unlimited multi-user access, libraries have access to free, downloadable MARC records.
Individual subscriptions are an attractive option for those whose institutions don't already have a subscription to HEB or for Middle East Studies Association members who might not be affiliated with a subscribing institution. Individual annual subscriptions are $40.00. Please visit to see if your institution subscribes.
You may purchase an individual subscription to HEB at Please choose Middle East Studies Association from the "Society Affiliation" pull-down menu and, in the space that says "Society Membership Number," provide your Middle East Studies Association membership number. If you do not know this information, you may request it by emailing the society. For inquiries about HEB, please e-mail