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MESA Listservs and Email Notifications

MESA currently offers three listservs. To subscribe to a list, please complete the form below indicating the list(s) of interest. If you have questions, email Sara Palmer ( We hope the lists will facilitate dialogue within the groups they represent. Opinions expressed on the lists do not represent those of the Middle East Studies Association nor the University of Arizona.

Name of listCAF
PurposeFor announcements of letters of interventions from the Committee on Academic Freedom
List accessMessages are sent by the list administrator.
AdministratorsSara Palmer (
Name of listCUMES
PurposeFor announcements of the Committee on Undergraduate MIddle East Studies
List accessSubscribers can post and respond directly to the list.
AdministratorJeff VanDenBerg (
Sara Palmer (
PurposeFor political scientists who study the Middle East.
List accessMessages are sent to the list administrators for posting to the general list.
AdministratorsGreg Gause (
Sara Palmer (; administrative details only)