Imprisonment of academics from King Saud University
Letter to Saudi authorities to express concern over the convictions and sentencing of academics to 15 years in prison for an alleged attack on a security officer.
Proposals to MESA 2025 (November 22-25 in Washington, DC) are due February 13, 2025 (Noon EST)!
Letter to Saudi authorities to express concern over the convictions and sentencing of academics to 15 years in prison for an alleged attack on a security officer.
Letter to the Saudi Arabian Government expressing continued concern over treatment of members of the Committee for the Defense of Legitimate Rights as further academics with ties to this group have been arrested without criminal charges and are being held without visit or access to council. Additionally relatives of group members are now being targeted despite having no ties to the group solely as a means of pressuring activists to cease activities. (See 5/5/1994; 22/6/1993)
Letter to the Saudi Arabian government regarding further measures taken against members of the Committee for the Defense of Legitimate Rights after the dissolution of the group including dismissals from university posts, travel bans, imprisonment and reports of death threat and torture forcing many group members to flee the country. (See 22/6/1993)
Letter to His Royal Majesty of Saudi Arabia concerning the reported arrest of Dr. Muhammad ibn Abdullah al-Mas’ari and dismissals of Dr. Abdullah ibn Humoud al-Tuwaijri and Dr. Abdullah al-Hamed for membership in the Committee for the Defense of Legitimate Rights.