Letter protesting ongoing policy of arrests and detention of students in Palestinian universities
Letter to Israeli officials protesting the Israeli army and judiciary’s targeting of students at Palestinian universities in the West Bank.
Letter to Israeli officials protesting the Israeli army and judiciary’s targeting of students at Palestinian universities in the West Bank.
Letter to Egyptian authorities expressing profound concern regarding the recent raid of the family residence in Egypt of Berlin-based scholar, Taqadum Al-Khatib and the questioning of his father by security officials. CAF urges Egyptian authorities to investigate the case and other similar cases of harassment of family members, and to stop such unjust practices.
Letter to Iranian authorities objecting to the unjust prosecution and sentencing of Touraj Amini for scholarly research on Qajar history and Iranian Constitutional movement.
Letter to Egyptian authorities protesting the unwarranted detention of Egyptian national, Ahmad Samir Santawy, a master's student at the Central European University in Vienna, and the mistreatment he has been subjected to—including enforced disappearance and torture.
Letter to Egyptian authorities protesting the ongoing detention of Patrick George Zaki, a graduate student in Italy and human rights researcher with the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) without due process, charging him with spreading false news and statements to disturb the peace, and inciting protest without permission from relevant authorities with the goal of undermining state institutions, overthrowing the Egyptian government and instigating terrorism.
Letter to President Erdoğan regarding the recent attacks against Boğaziçi University’s students and faculty, and the government’s politically motivated decision to alter the university’s academic structure.
Letter to President Erdoğan regarding the detention and mistreatment of Boğaziçi University students protesting against the partisan and authoritarian appointment of the university’s rector, the homophobic language and policies adopted in relation to student protesters, and the placement of snipers on the roofs of buildings adjacent to the campus gate.
Letter to Saudi authorities regarding the ongoing imprisonment without due process of Salman Alodah, a religious scholar of international renown and advocate for political reform and human rights in Saudi Arabia.
Letter to President Erdoğan regarding the adverse effects of his unilateral administrative appointments to Turkey's universities resulting in the complete erosion of the autonomy of Turkey's public universities in particular, a process set in motion following the 1980 military coup but dramatically accelerated since 2016 due to emergency and presidential decrees adopted by Erdoğan.
Third letter to Moroccan authorities protesting the ongoing mistreatment of scholar and human rights advocate Dr. Maati Monjib, and specifically, his recent abduction and detention on baseless charges; and calling for his immediate release and exoneration.
Letter to President Erdoğan regarding his presidential decree of January 1st appointing Melih Bulu as rector of Bogazici University and the brutal police crackdown on student protests against the appointment resulting in arrests and detention of Bogazici students.
Letter to Iranian authorities objecting to the unjust prosecution, sentencing, and prolonged detention of Dr. Ahmadreza Djalali for unfounded allegations of espionage in Iran.
MESA has noted with growing concern the arbitrary censorship of academic events in North America on a variety of online platforms, and is collecting primary source documents and links to media reporting on related topics.
Letter to Iranian authorities objecting to the unjust prosecution and sentencing of Prof. Sedigheh Vasmaghi for her peaceful protests against police brutality, and the banning of her books in Iran.
MESA is pleased to report that Dr. Kylie Moore-Gilbert was released from prison on November 25, 2020 after 804 days' detention in Iran, and has returned to Australia.
Letter to Egyptian authorities protesting the recent arrests of Mohamed Basheer, Karim Ennarah, and Gasser Abdel Razek, employees of the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR), and the continued targeting of human rights activists and institutions and levelling false accusations against them in an effort to obstruct their work.
Letter to Egyptian authorities protesting the arrest, under disturbing circumstances, and lengthy pre-trial detention of Professor Ahmad Al Tohamy Abel-Hay, and the fallacious charge of membership in a terrorist organization that has become routine against Egyptian scholars and activists who express their opinions.
Letter to Israeli authorities condemning ongoing prevention of Palestinian students in Gaza from studying abroad through denial of exit visas and travel permits.
Cornell University Vice President for University Relations Joel Malina responds on behalf of President Pollack and Dean Yoon to November 6, 2020 CAF letter regarding the treatment of Professor Ariella Azoulay during and after an online lecture.
Letter to president and dean at Cornell University protesting treatment of Professor Ariella Azoulay during and after an online lecture.
Third letter to Egyptian government regarding the ongoing mistreatment of Walid Salem, doctoral candidate at the University of Washington, who is being prevented from travelling and leaving Egypt despite cancellation of "probationary measures" imposed on him following his release from pre-trial detention
Letter to Moroccan government protesting its ongoing harassment and efforts at defamation of Dr. Maati Monjib, scholar and human rights activist.
Letter to President Erdoğan regarding the detention of Cihan Erdal, a doctoral candidate at Carleton University, apparently due to his having signed a letter in 2014 addressing events in Kobane, Syria while serving as a member of the Central Executive Committee of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP).
Letter regarding the restrictions on Kurdish language rights and studies in Turkey—undergraduate enrollment, research and writing in the language of study, recognition of publications towards scholarly promotion and employment opportunities for graduates
Letter to the president of the University of Toronto protesting the rescinding of the offer of employment to Dr. Valentina Azarova.