Call for Proposals: The Global Qur’an

About the Series
The Global Qur’an is a new book series that looks at Muslim engagement with the Qur’an in a global perspective. We publish studies that focus on the translation and interpretation of the Qur’an or on the social, cultural, pedagogical, aesthetic, and devotional place of the Qur’an in Muslim societies worldwide. We particularly encourage comparative studies, investigations of transregional dynamics, and interactions between local and global contexts. Contributions from scholars outside Western Europe and North America are especially welcome.                                                      

Editorial Board

Johanna Pink (General Editor)
Alessandro Cancian (Associate Editor)
Susan Gunasti (Associate Editor)
Lauren Osborne (Associate Editor)
Yusuf Rahman (Associate Editor)
SherAli K. Tareen (Associate Editor)
Mykhaylo Yakubovych (Associate Editor)

Publishing with OBP 
OBP combines the high editorial standards of professional publishing with the fair Open Access model. Copyrights stay where they belong, with the authors. Authors are encouraged to secure funding to offset the publication costs and thereby sustain the publishing model, but if no institutional funding is available, authors are not charged fees. Any publishing subvention secured will cover the actual costs of publishing and will not be taken as profit. In short: we support publishing that respects the authors and serves the public interest.

Scholars interested in publishing work in this series and submitting their monographs and/or edited collections should contact the General Editor, Johanna Pink. If you wish to submit a contribution, please read and download the submission guidelines here.

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