The Fares Center at the Fletcher School at Tufts University plans to hold an international interdisciplinary conference on “The US in the Middle East, and the Middle East in the US”.
The conference, scheduled to take place on April 18-19, 2024, will critically review and examine the pervasive influence of the US on Middle Eastern societies and politics, including the themes of political and economic development, regional conflicts, democratization processes and human rights, the long-term impact of the War on Terror, militarization, environment, food security, popular culture, and education and creative arts.
The conference will also examine some forms of presence of the Middle East in the US and its influence on social, political, policy planning, educational and other areas. Themes of interest include: contributions of Middle Eastern communities in the US; involvement in public diplomacy and lobbying; the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the production of knowledge about the Middle East; the Middle East in US academia; and the reflections of Middle Eastern conflicts on community relations in the US.
We invite scholars and practitioners to submit abstracts for papers and presentations. The abstract should include a brief description of what the presentation will cover (about 400 words). Presentations based on theoretical and empirical work will be considered, as well as papers based on diplomatic experience. Contributions from all relevant social sciences and the humanities are welcome.
The conference will cover travel expenses for participants who do not have funding from their institutions and will offer accommodation for three nights in the Boston area.
Abstracts should be submitted by email to
(If you do not receive a confirmation of your submission within a week, please contact Center Coordinator Amaia Elorza Arregi at
The deadline for receiving abstracts is July 30, 2023. Invitations to submit papers will be issued by September 15, 2023.