Call for Papers - Springer Handbook of Linguistic Anthropology: Iran and Shared Spheres in Homelands and Diasporas

We would like to invite you to submit a chapter proposal for an edited volume tentatively titled Linguistic Anthropology: Iran and Shared Spheres in Homelands and Diasporas. This handbook welcomes scholars from all social and human science disciplines to contribute to linguistic anthropological studies. The scope of this handbook, thus, is vast and encompasses a wide range of topics and areas of investigation. The following list is only a selection of topics that fit the objectives of our handbook.  

Language and culture
Language variation and change
Language socialization
Language contact and convergence
Language revitalization and endangerment
Language ideologies
Power relations
Language and globalization
Language and technology
Code-switching and code-mixing
Language policy and planning
Language and education
Discourse analysis and conversation analysis
Ethnography of communication
Pragmatics and speech acts
Verbal art
Food culture
Language and traditional knowledge
Language and tourism
Language and economy
Language and ecological knowledge
Digital communication
Social inequality
Non-verbal communication
Affective meaning-making
Language and identity negotiation
Language and performance
Language and social justice

Authors are welcome to suggest their themes if their research topic does not align with the previously mentioned suggested topics. Researchers are invited to submit proposals of 100-200 words. Please submit your research synopsis by September 1st, 2023.

Please send all your correspondence to the following email address:

Zia Khoshsirat (editor)
University of California, Los Angeles (unceded territory of the Tongva peoples)

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