Arcapita Visiting Professor of Modern Arab Studies

The Middle East Institute and the Department of Middle Eastern, South Asian and African Studies at Columbia University invite applications for an appointment as Arcapita Visiting Professor of Modern Arab Studies for a one-semester position for the fall 2025 or spring 2026 semester.

The position may be filled at the rank of Visiting Assistant Professor, Visiting Associate Professor, or Visiting Professor. We are interested in candidates whose field of research and teaching is in history, culture, or social sciences of the modern Arab world. The incumbent will be expected to teach one course, participate in the activities of the Middle East Institute, and give a brown bag lecture and other such public lectures as may be appropriate.

Ph.D., record of scholarly publications, and proven teaching experience in English are required by the beginning of the appointment.
Experience teaching at a university in the Middle East highly preferred.

Application Instructions
All applications must be made through Columbia University’s online portal: Academic Search and Recruiting (ASR), powered by Interfolio.
Please upload the following required materials into ASR (Interfolio): a letter of application, curriculum vitae, and two samples of scholarly publication (article or book chapter). The letter of application should include a statement of which semester the applicant prefers. Before uploading documents, applicants first will be asked to input a name and valid email address for three reference providers. The application to this position requires a minimum of three (3) reference letters. The applicant may enable ASR (Interfolio) to generate an automatic email to the reference provider, requesting a letter of reference and offering a secure link to the ASR (Interfolio) website where a letter can be uploaded quickly and easily.

For any questions, contact:

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