Expulsion of Matin Meshkin
Letter to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei regarding the expulsion of Matin Meshkin.
Letter to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei regarding the expulsion of Matin Meshkin.
Letter to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to express concern over reports that the government planned to use mandatory retirement requirements in a discriminatory manner to purge liberal and secular faculty.
Letter to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei protesting the death in detention of Akbar Mohammadi.
Letter to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei protesting the detention of Professor Ramin Jahanbegloo.
Letter to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei regarding the imprisonment of Hossein Ghazian.
Letter to Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei regarding the sentencing of individuals over translation of Mernissi book.
Letter to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei regarding violent attacks on university students.
Letter to Ayatollah Ali Khamene’I regarding the death sentence and other harsh penalties issued against Professor Hashem Aghajari.
Iranian government attacks on scholars.
Letter to President Mohamed Khatami regarding the continued denial of the right to higher education to the Baha'is of Iran.
Second letter to Iranian Authorities regarding the case of Dr. Soroush and the threats and intimidation he is facing which not only reduce his academic freedom but also endanger his life, the most recent of which is the confiscation of his passport preventing him from attending major academic conferences. (See 31/1/1996)
Letter to Iranian Government expressing concern over the attack on Dr. Abdul-Karim Sorush by a group at the University where he was to deliver a lecture to students on mysticism as well as other threats, intimidation on infringements of his academic freedom.
Letter to Iranian Authorities expressing grave concern over the reported death of activist Mr. Ali Akbar Saidi-Sirjani who died in detention after being held for eight months without trial or access to council under suspicious circumstances and urging the government to do an immediate investigation into the circumstances surrounding his death.
Letter to the Iranian President expressing concern over the arrest Mr. Saidi-Sirjani, political dissident and outspoken critic of the government censorship in Iran with politically inspired drug charges.