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Appeal to International Committee Members to Intervene for Department of Politics and Government at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Appeal to international committee members who are charged of implementing the recommendation by the Israeli Council of Higher Education’s Sub-Committee for Quality Assessment that new students not be allowed to register in the Department of Politics and Government at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

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Protesting the Erasmus University Rotterdam’s August 19 decision to terminate Dr. Tariq Ramadan

Letter to Rector Henk Schmidt protesting the Erasmus University Rotterdam’s August 19 decision to terminate Dr. Tariq Ramadan’s guest professorship in Citizenship and Identity at the EUR due to his hosting a program on the Iranian English-language television channel Press TV.

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Destruction of Muslim educational institutions and cultural monuments in Bosnia-Herzegovina

Letter to the President of Yugoslavia expressing dismay over reported destruction of Muslim institutions and monuments by Serbian forces including an attack on the Institute for Oriental Studies in Sarajevo during which invaluable collections were destroyed.

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Discriminatory policies directed at the Albanian citizens of Kosovo

Letter to the Yugoslavian President expressing concern over discriminatory policies which have resulted in Albanian professors and teachers losing their jobs and the closure of educational institutions in Kosovo which are acts of discrimination against the Albanian population of the city.

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