Documenting Shifts in Campus Climate in North America

Reporting Changes and Incidents of Harassment, Intimidation, and Discrimination

The Middle East Studies Association (MESA) is the preeminent organization promoting scholarship and teaching on the Middle East and North Africa. Recently, MESA’s discussions with campus advocacy groups across the country, as well as legal advocacy groups and national media organizations, have made clear that despite the rise of harassment, pressure, intimidation, and discrimination incidents on U.S. campuses since October 7th, there is no comprehensive picture of these developments. This lack of data and data collection is making it difficult for organizations to adequately support students and educators studying, teaching, or advocating on related issues.

In response to this escalating crisis, MESA and its Task Force on Civil and Human Rights invite you to complete the survey found below. Our aim is to create a database of incidents of harassment, intimidation, and discrimination experienced since October 7, 2023 on campuses in North America, with particular attention to (but not limited to) faculty, staff, students who work in Middle East Studies.  This database will be used to develop and implement a strategy to support higher education in all of its elements in the coming months. Please support our efforts to collectively describe and meet the needs of the moment by letting us know about changes in campus climate as well as incidents of harassment, intimidation, and discrimination you have directly experienced or witnessed; you have the option to remain anonymous should that be best for your circumstances.

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