2021 MESA Award Recipients & Honorees
MESA Academic Freedom Award
Boğaziçi University Faculty, Students, and Alumni
MESA Mentoring Award
Carter V. Findley, Ohio State University
Susan Gilson Miller, University of California, Davis
MESA Undergraduate Education Award
Sarah Shields, Professor of History, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Honorable Mention
Hina Azam, Associate Professor of Islamic Studies, University of Texas at Austin
Albert Hourani Book Award
Imperial Mecca: Ottoman Arabia and the Indian Ocean Hajj (Columbia University Press)
Michael Christopher Low, Iowa State University
Honorable Mentions
Polymaths of Islam: Power and Networks of Knowledge in Central Asia (Cornell University Press)
James Pickett, University of Pittsburgh
How to Make a Wetland: Water and Moral Ecology in Turkey (Stanford University Press)
Caterina Scaramelli, Boston University
Nikki Keddie Book Award
Genetic Crossroads: The Middle East and the Science of Human Heredity (Stanford University Press)
Elise K. Burton, University of Toronto
Honorable Mentions
Revolution and Disenchantment: Arab Marxism and the Binds of Emancipation (Duke University Press)
Fadi A. Bardawil, Duke University
Archive Wars: The Politics of History in Saudi Arabia (Stanford University Press)
Rosie Bsheer, Harvard University
Fatema Mernissi Book Award
Say What Your Longing Heart Desires: Women, Prayer, and Poetry in Iran (Stanford University Press)
Niloofar Haeri, Johns Hopkins University
Honorable Mentions
The Colonizing Self: Or, Home and Homelessness in Israel/Palestine (Duke University Press)
Hagar Kotef, SOAS, University of London
Politics of Rightful Killing: Civil Society, Gender, and Sexuality in Weblogistan (Duke University Press)
Sima Shakhsari, University of Minnesota
Roger Owen Book Award
Cleft Capitalism: The Social Origins of Failed Market Making in Egypt (Stanford University Press)
Amr Adly, American University in Cairo
Honorable Mention
Egypt’s Occupation: Colonial Economism and the Crises of Capitalism (Stanford University Press)
Aaron Jakes, The New School
Malcolm H. Kerr Dissertation Award in the Humanities
Conversion of the Landscape: Environment and Religious Politics in an Early Modern Ottoman Town
Ana Sekulić, Princeton University, Department of History
Supervised by Molly Greene
Malcolm H. Kerr Dissertation Award in the Social Sciences
Brokers of Order: How Money Moves in Wartime Syria
Gözde Güran, Princeton University, Department of Sociology
Supervised by Viviana A. Zelizer
Honorable Mention
The Making of a Migrant Working Class: Contesting Citizenship in Kuwait and the Persian Gulf, 1925-1975
Alex Boodrookas, New York University, Departments of History and Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies
Supervised by Arang Keshavarzian and Zachary Lockman
MESA Graduate Student Paper Prize
Re-thinking female javānmardī: Neẓāmī’s Haft Paykar as a "Mirror for Princesses"
Amanda Caterina Leong, University of California Merced, Interdisciplinary Humanities
Honorable Mention
Entertaining Audiences, Entertaining Desires: Intersectarian Love and Queer Performance in Popular Arabic Music
Tariq Adely, George Washington University, Department of Anthropology
Wadad Kadi Graduate Student Travel Fellowships
Tariq Adely, George Washington University
Gokh Amin Alshaif, UC Santa Barbara
Alize Arıcan, Rutgers University
Bentley Brown, University of Colorado-Boulder
Dina El-baradie, Georgetown University
Amy Fallas, UC Santa Barbara
Philip Geisler, Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies
Mona Khneisser, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Yaprak Damla Yıldırım, University of California, San Diego