MESA Announces 2022 Award Recipients

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2022 MESA Award Recipients & Honorees

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Palestinian NGO’s:
The Bisan Center for Research and Development
Defense for Children International Palestine 
The Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees
The Union of Agricultural Work Committees
Kristen Brustad, University of Texas at Austin
Rabab Abdulhadi, San Francisco State University
Marlis J. Saleh, University of Chicago
Hidden Caliphate: Sufi Saints beyond the Oxus and Indus (Harvard University Press)
Waleed Ziad, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Honorable Mention
Empire of Salons: Conquest and Community in Early Modern Ottoman Lands (Princeton University Press)
Helen Pfeifer, University of Cambridge
The Unsettled Plain: An Environmental History of the Late Ottoman Frontier (Stanford University Press)
Chris Gratien, University of Virginia
An Elusive Common: Land, Politics, and Agrarian Rurality in a Moroccan Oasis (Cornell University Press)
Karen E. Rignall, University of Kentucky
Honorable Mention
Bread and Freedom: Egypt's Revolutionary Situation (Stanford University Press)
Mona El-Ghobashy, New York University
Pious Peripheries: Runaway Women in Post-Taliban Afghanistan (Stanford University Press)
Sonia Ahsan-Tirmizi, Columbia University
Honorable Mention
The City as Anthology: Eroticism and Urbanity in Early Modern Isfahan (Stanford University Press)
Kathryn Babayan, University of  Michigan
Dreaming of Ancient Times: Mesopotamia and the Temporal Topography of Iraqi Modern Art, 1958-2003,
Tiffany Floyd, Columbia University, Art History and Archaeology
Supervised by Zainab Bahrani & Alexander Alberro
Lost in a Sea of Letters: Sa'd al-Din Hamuya (d. 1252) and the Plurality of Sufi Knowledge
Cyril Uy II, Brown University, Religious Studies
Supervised by Shazad Bashir 
Honorable Mention
Anxieties over the Loss of the Classics: Tracing Islamic Intellectual History through the Manuscripts of ʿAbd al-Qāhir al-Jurjānī’s Dalāʾil and Asrār
Shuaib Ally, University of Toronto, Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations
Supervised by Walid Saleh 
Taming the Iron Horse: Austerity, Subversion, and Revolution in Colonial Egyptian Railways, 1876-1924 
Xiaoyue Li, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Department of History
Supervised by Juan Cole
Scarecrows of the State: An Ethnography of Security Checkpoints in Contemporary Baghdad
Omar Sirri, University of Toronto, Political Science
Supervised by Anver Emon & Courtney Jung
Sudanized Folklore: The Roxanne Connick Carlisle Collection and Music of Sudan in the 1960s
Benjamin Jones, Georgetown University, Center for Contemporary Arab Studies
Cracks & Leaks of Water Infrastructure in Lebanon: The ‘Making & Unmaking’ of Hydrogeologies, Historical Subjectivities & Political Imaginaries
Mona Khneisser, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Department of Sociology

Miriam Abazeri, Miami University
Taraf Abu Hamdan, Central European University
Ayda Apa Pomeshikov, University of Washington
Kylie Broderick, UNC Chapel Hill
Alessia Colonnelli, Heidelberg University
Ismail Noyan, Simon Fraser University
Miray Phillips, University of Minnesota
Yasmine Zarhloule, University of Oxford
Leila Zonouzi, UC Santa Barbara 

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