• P200

Letter protesting the recent arrests of staff at Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR)

Letter to Egyptian authorities protesting the recent arrests of Mohamed Basheer, Karim Ennarah, and Gasser Abdel Razek, employees of the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR), and the continued targeting of human rights activists and institutions and levelling false accusations against them in an effort to obstruct their work.

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Statement on DHS Proposed Rule Imposing New Limits on Student Visa Duration

The MESA Task Force on Civil and Human Rights calls on DHS to withdraw a proposed rule that would effectively deprive international students of lawful status for the duration required for many degree programs, restricting students from much of the developing world to two-year visas insufficient even for undergraduate study. The administration's proposed regulation would effectively mean that the United States no longer welcomes international students. If this rule were to go into effect, students from much of the world would face severe disincentives in considering degree programs in the U.S. Such actions would inflict broad harm on the intellectual life and economic viability of American universities, future generations of students, and the sectors of the economy that require highly qualified researchers and professionals.

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