Broad assault on education systems in the West Bank and Gaza Strip
Letter to Israeli and American officials regarding the broad assault on education systems in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Proposals to MESA 2025 (November 22-25 in Washington, DC) are due February 13, 2025 (Noon EST)!
Letter to Israeli and American officials regarding the broad assault on education systems in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Letter to Palestinian officials regarding attacks on educational facilities in Gaza.
Letter to Prime Minister Olmert and Minister of Defense Peretz to request Israel allow students from Gaza to attend Bethlehem University.
Responses from both the State of Israel Ministry or Justice Deputy Director Boaz Oren and Foreign Policy Advisor to the Prime Minister Shalom Tourgeman to MESA's letter regarding the detention of Professor Ghazi Walid Falah.
Letter to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert protesting the detention of Professor Ghazi Walid Falah.
Letter to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon regarding barriers to education in Jerusalem resulting from the security wall.
Israel Minister of Education Culture and Sports responds to MESA letter condemning AUT academic boycott.
Letter to Minister Limor Livnat regarding upgrading of College of Judea and Samaria to university status.
Letter to the Association of University Teachers condemning AUT Academic Boycott.
Letter to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon regarding the closure of Hebron Polytechnic University and the Islamic College of Hebron.
Letter to Shaikh Ahmad Yassin to condemn the bomb attack of July 31 in Jerusalem’s Hebrew University.
Response by Acting Foreign Policy Adviser to the Prime Minister Shalom Tourgeman to 22 July 2002 letter.
Letter to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon regarding Israel’s closure of the administrative offices of Al-Quds University in Jerusalem.
Letter to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon regarding Israel’s recent and ongoing actions that threaten academic freedom and the right to education more broadly in the West Bank.
Letter to Haifa University regarding concerning disciplinary proceedings initiated against Dr. Ilan Pappe, a professor of history at the university.
Israel’s intensified closure policy with particular impact on Birzeit University.
Letter to President Yasser Arafat to Express concern over the arrest and continued detention without charge of Dr. Abd al-Sattar Qassim of An-Najah National University in Nablus.
Letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to express continued concern at restrictions the Israeli government imposes on students in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and alarm regarding the recent arrest, subsequent detention, and denial of right to legal counsel of Iyad Habib Muhamma, president of the Bir Zeit University student council.
Letter to Palestinian authorities regarding arrest of Birzeit student Ghassan Abdul al-Addassi by the Palestinian Preventive Security Service on March 29, 1998.
Letter to Israeli authorities regarding the arrest on December 10, 1997 and continuous torture of a Palestinian student from Birzeit University.
Letter to Israeli Authorities expressing concern over the strict closures of the West Bank and Gaza Strip causing disruptions to institutions of higher education as well as the harassment of Gazan students in the West Bank including arbitrary denials, delays or non-renewals of student permits.
Letter to the Palestinian Authority expressing concern over the arrest and treatment of Al-Azhar University Professor Dr. Fathi Ahmed Subh who is being held in detention without access to a lawyer or visits from family.
Letter to Israeli Prime Minister expressing concern over the treatment of Abd al-Aziz Hamdan, a student at Birzeit University who is being subjected to “moderate physical pressures” during interrogations by Israeli authorities in violation of the UN Convention against Torture.
Letter to Israeli authorities in response to letter from Capt. Caroline B. Glick (Oct. 9), a reply to the MESA letter of 9/12/96, concerning the denial of permits for Gaza students to study in the West Bank which fails to adequately address the concerns raised about the violation of students’ legal rights and freedom of education.
Letter to Israeli Authorities regarding the continued violations against Palestinian students studying in the occupied territories including denials of permits, the continued closure of Hebron University, use of force by the IDF against students, and administrative detentions of students.