• Interventions

Sentencing, suspending, and fining of Professor Ahmad Al-Baghdadi

Letter to Rashid Hamad Muhammad Al-Hamad, Minister of Education & Higher Education and Dr. Nader Abdullah Al-Jalal, President of Kuwait University regarding sentencing, suspending, and fining of Professor Ahmad Al-Baghdadi over alleged criticizing of the content and teaching on Islam in Kuwaiti primary and secondary schools.

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Concerns regarding the arrest of Professor Saad Eddin Ibrahim and staff members of the Ibn Khaldun Center

Letter to President Hosni Mubarak to express concerns regarding the arrest of Professor Saad Eddin Ibrahim and staff members of the Ibn Khaldun Center; voiced distress both at the manner in which the trial was conducted by the Supreme Security Court, and the unduly harsh sentences imposed on Professor Ibrahim and his colleagues.

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