• All Committee on Academic Freedom

Concern at the disciplinary action taken against university student Ms. Noor Abbas

Letter to University of Bahrain President Ebrahim Ahmed Aljanahi expressing concern at the disciplinary action taken against university student Ms. Noor Abbas. Earlier this year, Ms. Abbas circulated a statement on behalf of the Student Union List criticizing some policies and facilities at the University.

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Protesting the decision to remove all images of Mohammed from Jyette Klausen’s book The Cartoons that Shook the World

CAF-endorsed open letter to Yale University President Richard Levin and members of the Yale Corporation written by the National Coalition Against Censorship protesting the decision to remove all images of Mohammed from Jyette Klausen's forthcoming book The Cartoons that Shook the World published by Yale University Press.

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Protesting the Erasmus University Rotterdam’s August 19 decision to terminate Dr. Tariq Ramadan

Letter to Rector Henk Schmidt protesting the Erasmus University Rotterdam’s August 19 decision to terminate Dr. Tariq Ramadan’s guest professorship in Citizenship and Identity at the EUR due to his hosting a program on the Iranian English-language television channel Press TV.

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Comments approving Ben Gurion University to dismiss Neve Gordon

Letter to Ben-Gurion University of the Negev President Rivka Carmi expressing concern over her comments approving BGU’s search for legal means to dismiss Senior Lecturer and Chair of the Government and Politics Department, Neve Gordon. These comments came in response to an opinion piece published by Dr. Gordon in the Los Angeles Times on 21 August, in which he called for a comprehensive boycott of his country as a means to pressure Israel to end its occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

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Recent arrests and continued detention of a large number of academics

Letter to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamanei expressing concern about the recent arrests and continued detention of a large number of academics, scholars, and student activists in Iran without any formal charges and without access to legal representation. The 9 July 2009 arrest of Dr. Kian Tajbakhsh, a prominent Iranian-American social scientist, is a primary focus.

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Intimidation, arrests, and campus expulsions carried out by Iranian security forces

Letter to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei expressing grave concern regarding the large-scale wave of intimidation, arrests, and campus expulsions carried out by Iranian security forces against peaceful student activists and protesters on various university campuses throughout Iran since December 2008.

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Gary Goodyear request for a second review of the grant-in-aid

Three letters sent regarding the request by the Minister of State (Technology and Science) Gary Goodyear for a second review of the grant-in-aid secured from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. The grant helped fund the York University conference, Israel/Palestine: Mapping Models of Statehood and Paths to Peace. The three letters were sent to Minister Gary Goodyear, SSHRC President Chad Gaffield, and York University President Mamdouh Shoukri. [A reply from Minister Goodyear’s office received June 22, 2009.]

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Detention of students without trial at West Bank universities

Letter to Isma’il Haniyeh (Caretaker Prime Minister, Gaza) and Nabil Abuznaid (Representative of the Palestine Liberation Organization) to express concern about reports of detention of students without trial at West Bank universities, apparently because of their political affiliations.

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