• Interventions

Deteriorating state of academic freedom at Sanaa University

Letter to Yemenite Authorities regarding the recent intimidation of professors and university departments to not discuss political uses in the classroom or with students leading many professors to leave Sanaa due to the hostile atmosphere being created. Additionally the arrest and mistreatment of professors as a means of intimidation is in obvious violation of international human rights norms.

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Campaign against Ibn Khaldoun Center for Development Studies

Letter to al-Ahram regarding the actions of the Egyptian Press attacking the Ibn Khaldun Center in connection with the Conference on the UN Declaration on Minorities and People of the Arab World and Middle East to have been held in Cairo.

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Further detentions of Saudi human rights group members and relatives

Letter to the Saudi Arabian Government expressing continued concern over treatment of members of the Committee for the Defense of Legitimate Rights as further academics with ties to this group have been arrested without criminal charges and are being held without visit or access to council. Additionally relatives of group members are now being targeted despite having no ties to the group solely as a means of pressuring activists to cease activities. (See 5/5/1994; 22/6/1993)

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Detention of Birzeit University students

Letter to Israeli Authorities regarding the detention of Birzeit University students including student activists and leaders some of whom are members of the campus Islamic Bloc and have been held without charges amidst allegations of lack of council and mistreatment.

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Detention of Syrian academics for political reasons

Letter to Syrian Authorities to express concerns about the detention and mistreatment of academics in Syria for their political affiliations, opinions or participation in groups that government considers subversive.

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Repressive measure intensified against members of human rights group

Letter to the Saudi Arabian government regarding further measures taken against members of the Committee for the Defense of Legitimate Rights after the dissolution of the group including dismissals from university posts, travel bans, imprisonment and reports of death threat and torture forcing many group members to flee the country. (See 22/6/1993)

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Arrest and dismissals for founders of the Committee for the Defense of Legitimate Rights

Letter to His Royal Majesty of Saudi Arabia concerning the reported arrest of Dr. Muhammad ibn Abdullah al-Mas’ari and dismissals of Dr. Abdullah ibn Humoud al-Tuwaijri and Dr. Abdullah al-Hamed for membership in the Committee for the Defense of Legitimate Rights.

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Destruction of Muslim educational institutions and cultural monuments in Bosnia-Herzegovina

Letter to the President of Yugoslavia expressing dismay over reported destruction of Muslim institutions and monuments by Serbian forces including an attack on the Institute for Oriental Studies in Sarajevo during which invaluable collections were destroyed.

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Discriminatory policies directed at the Albanian citizens of Kosovo

Letter to the Yugoslavian President expressing concern over discriminatory policies which have resulted in Albanian professors and teachers losing their jobs and the closure of educational institutions in Kosovo which are acts of discrimination against the Albanian population of the city.

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Proposed HaSharon campus of the University of New Haven in the West Bank settlement of Elkana

Letter to the President of the University of New Haven regarding their intent to open a campus in a location under Israeli military control which could serve to legitimize Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, would make it inaccessible to Palestinian students and faculty, and would violate international law undermining the peace process.

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Human rights abuses affecting universities and academic personnel

Letter to Sudanese Head of State and Defense Minister expressing concern over the wide range of human rights abuses affecting academic freedom in Sudan including: dismissal of university professors and administrators, imprisonment and possible torture of university professors and students, closure, occupation or interference at university campuses by security forces and the Islamization or Arabization of universities.

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Imprisonment of Muhammad Ali Habib for activities as a member of an independent human rights organization

Letter to the Syrian President expressing concern over the trial, detention, and mistreatment of Muhammad Ali Habib, Lecturer at University of al-Lathiqiyya and member of the Committee for the Defense of Democratic Reforms and Human Rights in Syria. Dr. Habib was sentenced to nine years imprisonment after a trial that was devoid of the basic elements of due process.

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